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OwlStay Flip Flop Hostel - Garden

OwlStay Flip Flop Hostel - Garden is a 2 stars accommodation from where you can visit the center of the city, located at approximately 1 km. The lodging has free wifi internet connection in all its facilities. These are some of the more relevant amenities offered: restaurant and air conditioned. In addition this accommodation is adapted to provide disabled access.


Photo - OwlStay Flip Flop Hostel - Garden Photo - OwlStay Flip Flop Hostel - Garden Photo - OwlStay Flip Flop Hostel - Garden Photo - OwlStay Flip Flop Hostel - Garden Photo - OwlStay Flip Flop Hostel - Garden


OwlStay Flip Flop Hostel - Garden reviews


Very good

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Location / Directions

Address: No. 122, Changan West Road. 103 Taipei. Taiwan.